Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sometimes You Gotta Shine

Today I decided to shine. Shine brighter than a shooting star. Brighter than that girl at church camp. I was going to be the face of joy and happiness. And I did. I was bubbly and bright, sunshine and sparkles. Rainbows and unicorn farts, ya'll. Yup. Unicorn farts.

You see, the last few weeks have left me in a bit of a funk. Here, there, everywhere. Busy, busy, busy. And if you know me, you know how much I adore busy. But sometimes, just sometimes, I have to s-l-o-w i-t d-o-w-n. Yesterday I was cranky and funky and a bit of a gruffly stinker. I didn't care and wanted nothing but a rest. And when I whispered to the hubs, "are we going to make them go to TaeKwonDo tonight?" and he mumbled, "I'm not taking them" I sighed a sigh of extraordinary relief. I was done. Stick-a-fork-in-me kind of done. I did not want to shuttle kids another place. I didn't want to watch through the glass as they did the same kicks and punches and obstacle course they've been doing for 7 months. I wanted to be home and do nothing more than be ordinary, everyday me. And to do it in my jammies. On the living room floor. Or the couch.

But today I could feel the shift when I woke up.
Even though our son had slept on the floor next to our bed again, for the 30th night in a row.
Even though we'd spent the day before with him being pricked and medicated and told to breathe hard and x-rayed...
Even though I know my girlfriend is starting the biggest battle of her life...
Even though I wasn't prepared for this morning's book study at church...
Even though my back and my feet and my wrists still ache like always...
Even though...
I felt it. It was a great day to be alive. It was a great day to be joyous. To be wonderful and happy and fun.

So I did. I enjoyed this day like none other in recent history. I've had good days, sure. I've enjoyed the company of others, most definitely. But today the sun was shining, the bees were buzzing (all around my delightful cream soda, mind you) and everyone seemed to be smiling. I visited a girlfriend and she got a great gift in the mail. She makes me smile anyway, but today she paraded around town in a Wonder Woman costume, making a zillion other people smile.

Despite my slight lack of preparation I threw myself whole-heartedly into this morning's book study at church and I feel like we had another day of incredible discussions. And it seemed, to my overly bright and bubbly self,  that everyone else at church for this morning's study was a little more bubbly and bright today too. The prayer requests were mostly of praise. The conversation was full of zest and vigor. The chatting was incessant. And the happiness was tangible. Real, honest-to-goodness happiness. Joy.

The joy I felt made me want to extend it to others, so I let my kids play on the school playground for a bit before taking them to the park to meet friends and play. For hours. Hours. I had no idea we had managed to dilly-dally away nearly two full hours at the park. Because I was enjoying this day more than any other lately. My heart is bursting today and I can't help but share.

So here's a bit of sunshine for you today. I pray that your day be full of the joy and giddiness that can only come from God. He wakes us each morning with the blessing of a new day. A day to live life fully and awesomely. With the freedom to smile at everyone we meet. To wear a costume around town. To make up words to describe how we feel. To live and love living.

Go into this day with a smile and a heart bursting with love for this life.
It's yours.
Live it.
And live it wildly, crazily, amazingly.

Because sometimes you gotta shine.

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