June 20. First day of summer 2016. For reals.
H-O-T. Lazy days on the lake. Swimming, fishing, tubing, kayaking, camping, stand-up-paddleboarding, laying in the sun doing nothing. That's what I told the 7 year-old last night as we snuggled and dreamed of life 164 long days from now. (Today is January 8, adjust accordingly dear reader.)
Laying in the sun doing nothing. Do you want know what my little philosopher said about that? "That's not possible mom. You would be doing something. You would be laying in the sun. It's not possible to do nothing. Ever."
I did not argue. If she wants to tell me I'm "doing something" by laying in the sun, soaking up God's goodness and warmth and nature's beauty well, by gosh, I'm going to go with it. So that's where you'll find us this summer. In the sun. Doing.
This little convo over my iced frappe (yes, I realize that's a summer drink... have you heard a thing I've said so far???) led me to spout nonsense that others were sure to snicker over as they cupped their hot coffee mugs. I made a plan for the summer. Plans for fun and carefree days.
1. We will have a pool in our back yard.
Inflatable? Yes.
Manufacturers Max Capacity of 5? Yes.
Backyard Real Life Capacity of 10? For Sure.
Fun? Hell yes!
2. We will have the slip n' slide & the bounce house out.
3. We will have backyard parties, cookouts and sleepovers.
4. We will go to the "real" pool 1x/week or more.
5. We will hang out in the yard and read books.
6. We will have friends over.
7. We will go camping.
8. We will build backyard forts.
9. We will...
WE WILL!!! We will do what summer is meant for! This...
And the time frame for all this "doing?" This year we get **Hallelujah** 12.5 weeks. TWELVE AND A HALF weeks of summer vaca!! The school calendar writers must have kids in school this year because we start a full week and a half LATER than usual!!!
You can blame my summer fever on Husband. He gave me a SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) for Christmas. Christmas, ya'll. December. Five solid months prior to lake weather. Because my birthday is in the middle of July... then I would have missed out on a month and a half of the season. He was thoughtful on this one. Except for the "summer fever" part of the deal. He can't help it. He didn't know.
So, my dear friends, while you are busy sipping hot cocoa, making your New Year's Resolutions, going on a diet and vowing to work out I'll be over here planning my summer.
Only 164 days to go...