Monday, December 29, 2014

Resolutions Smesolutions

Here we go with the New Year's Resolutions Nonsense. I'm not one for resolutions or the "giving up" of things. I like what I like when I like it. I gave up the gym over 18 months ago in favor of investing in a few tough and effective workouts I can do at home. There's diversity and flexibility. I can do whatever workout I want whenever I want. Just like I like it. 

I kicked off my at-home workouts in May of 2013 with Les Mills Combat (LMC). I was impressed with the changes I saw and felt. LOVE!  
Then I wanted some diversity so I dug deep and took on ChaLean Extreme (CLX) and found some serious definition in my legs and arms! LOVE! 
Then I tried T25. No offense to Shaun T, but that isn't the workout for me. While the lickety-split, 25 minutes and done pace was awesome, all the jumping caused me knee pain that plagued me throughout and I finally called it quits. DISLIKE 
This last summer 21 Day Fix came on the market and I jumped that bandwagon before it was a bandwagon. Again, LOVE! 
PiYo was a borrowed workout from a girlfriend and one I highly recommend for anyone looking for low-impact with high intensity. (Seems like an oxymoron doesn't it!?) The flexibility I gained from just a few weeks of PiYo was amazing. LOVE! 

So where am I now? I hit a low after my sister-in-law's wedding in October. I was hitting it hard and doing great until the day before the wedding...

After the wedding, well, I took a little break. And that little break made me lazy. Workouts dropped from 5-6 days/week to 3-4 days/week. Around Thanksgiving I got even lazier and workouts became 2 days/week. As of yesterday I had done one workout in three weeks. What's the point? Why suffer through that one workout for what boils down to no point at all? Because it was driving me nuts to not work out. I could feel it in my muscles and my mind. Everything was suffering. That one workout a few days before Christmas did me a ton of good mentally.

The winter blues have set in and I can't seem to get out of the "funk" I've been in. The funk has been keeping me from my own home gym. Down the stairs. In my basement. 30 seconds away. They (I don't know who "they" are yet) say that if you live more than 10 minutes away from your gym you won't go. I agree. I also think if you have the "funk" I have you won't workout even if you live in your gym! For weeks I would dress in my workout clothes first thing in the AM with every intention of kicking ass during my workout that day... only to change out of workout clothes and into my pj's at night with not so much as a bead of sweat on my dri-fit. 

Today I looked up an old friend. Chalene Johnson and her CLX workout that I love so, so, so much. 

This time around I'm going to focus on upping my weights again. I have to start slow and be careful with "wimpy" as I call my left wrist, but upping the weights is the only way to make progress. I'm mentally preparing for the increase in appetite I'll see with the workouts and looking forward to breaking out the shorts when spring arrives March 1st. (I'm an optimist... remember 2013?) 

Tonight my bestie and I chatted about motivation. She's motivated by a trip to Vegas in February. (A trip I hope to get to go on too!) I'm motivated by shorts weather, past compliments on my legs after a great round of CLX and a 20 year reunion in June. 

I typed up my workout chart complete with meal and water tracking and workout accountability. I have kids who love it when I work out. "Do another one, mommy!" And I have a lineup of killer supplemental workouts on my shelf. Some LMC for the days I want to kick and punch, some yoga when I need to recharge and some rewards for myself along the way! 

I have a goal and a plan to get there. I have the means and sporadically I have the motivation. What I need is to remember to take it one day, one workout, at a time. To keep on the path that keeps me feeling good. The sun will shine again someday and the motivation will be easier to find each morning. Until that day, here's to digging deep and keeping after that goal.

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